Brazilian Brands: Aviação

How do you feel about brands? Whether it’s food, clothes, electronics or detergents, they’re all around us whether we like it or not. Some of us willingly embrace a brand, while others feel that brands are simply a cunning marketing ploy to fool us into paying more than the fair price.

I have to admit that I find some aspects of branding really interesting. I like the design elements of the packaging and find it interesting how these are involved in the way we (at least some of us) develop an affection for certain brands. Of course a lot of this brand indoctrination starts at a very early age so that by the time we’re old enough to be buying our own tomato ketchup we don’t even stop to think about why we always pick Heinz.

An interesting aspect of transplanting yourself into a new country is that you come to the market cold. Many of the brands from home are unavailable and so you find yourself adopting new favourites.

So I thought I’d start an occasional series looking at some of the brands and products I have discovered here in Brazil. Mrs Eat Rio just looked over my shoulder and said “Don’t you think this will look like you’re advertising?”. Well I hope it doesn’t, because I’m not! I’m not endorsing the products (like anyone would care about my endorsements anyway!) – in fact some of the products I’m going to look at are actually kind of crappy. I’m just giving you a peek at the shelves of an average Brazilian supermarket in the hope that some of you may be interested.


Aviação manteiga


Name: Aviação

Product: Butter

Description: Let’s start with the obvious, this is butter that comes in a can! Crazy right? The Aviação brand was established back in 1920 and in those days hardly anyone had a fridge, so these cans were a practical way to store butter. Today they suggest that you store the can in a cool, dark place – you only need to refrigerate it once it has been opened (or you could just eat it quickly!).

Verdict: I have to admit, I’m quite a big fan of Aviação. I like the weird, Arabic-looking font and the cool picture of the plane. Originally the image was one of those old bi-planes, but during the 1940s they decided to modernise to one we see today. The butter is pretty tasty too – they also make a normal block wrapped in foil which is what I usually get.

In recent times they have diversified their range to include various cheeses and spreads, but they are still best known for their iconic butter. On their website they even push the environmental benefits of their steel containers which are easily recyclable and “degrade harmlessly within 5 years” if they somehow make it to a water source (are they trying to give us ideas with that information?).

Aviação unsalted butter

Salted butter comes in striking orange packaging, unsalted butter comes in yellow.


Ok, so that’s it for today’s Brazilian brand. I hope it wasn’t too dull. If anyone happens to see a lifetime supply of butter being delivered to Eat Rio HQ, that is purely coincidental…


 If you’re into brands and packaging (etc) and you happen to be in London, you should check out the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising – it’s very cool!


11 replies
  1. Ray
    Ray says:


    Great brand choice for the first of your Brazilian brand series, this is definitely a much loved iconic Brazilian brand. We grew up with this butter in our kitchens, and so did our parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
    Believe it or not, Manteiga Aviacao is a precious delicacy for Brazilians living abroad, we can find it in some very select stores in Boston and it cost us a small fortune.

    Good post Tom.


    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Thanks Ray! I have definitely adopted aviacão as my favourite – I think it’s a good product but I’m also definitely swayed by the packaging. I just like the design – bold and classic. Very cool! :)

  2. Shayna
    Shayna says:

    SO weird! My husband just brought a can of Aviacao butter home today. We never normally buy it. Are you sure you’re not sending out psychic buyer-influencing signals from your blog? :-p

    Loved what you wrote about being brand-clueless. One of my most vivid memories from my early days in Brazil was standing in front of an enormous wall of yogurts at the supermarket, and thinking to myself “I have no idea which brands are good, which are watery, which are too sweet, which spoil really fast…”

    I remember I used to wonder why Brazilian immigrants in the States buy imported Brazilian rice and shampoo and other products that they COULD just as easily buy an American brand – now I understand. You just get familiar with it :-)

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Maybe I am! (sending out psychic buyer-influencing signals) If so then I should definitely be charging Aviação commission! ;)

      I rather enjoyed adopting particular brands here – at the start it made me feel like a proper resident to insist on buying Aviação butter or Pilão coffee. I guess I picked up a lot of my brands from my mother-in-law, but there are a few that I have chosen for myself! :)

  3. Kenneth
    Kenneth says:

    I tried Aviacão brand requeijao in Brazil and it was amazing. I wish I could buy it here in the states. Maybe one of these days!

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      The world needs to get on board with requeijão! So yummy (and naughty). I like the Aviação brand – it’s extra rich and creamy :)


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