Pornographic Plants? Y-Orchid-ding me…
Sorry about the brutal pun – I’m feeling sick as a dog today and as my health deteriorates, so do my standards of what constitutes acceptable word-play. As mentioned in my last post, I visited the Jardim Botanico a few days ago. And alongside the amazing palms, one of the highlights was the orchid house.
A friend of mine insists that orchids are pornographic – at first I told her she was being ridiculous, but now that she has planted that seed (sorry), I kind of know where she’s coming from. See what you think…
Is it just me? Whilst not anatomically perfect, there is something a little gynaecological about some of these isn’t there? |
In truth, I think you’d have to have some pretty serious problems if you had some of these between your legs! These are all growing in the orchid house of Jardim Botanico and whether you think they’re X-rated or not, there’s no denying they are pretty spectacular.
If, after my puerile observations, you are feeling in need of purification, here’s a shot of the Cristo, spotted as I strolled through the gardens.
Imperial Palms and Jesus to banish thoughts of genitalia. |
If, on the other hand, you are still in doubt about the orchid resemblance, perhaps this link will convince you: This is a real orchid, growing in the botanical gardens of Chiang Mai, Thailand.
"Y-Orchid-ding me…"
Lol. Genius.
Heh heh, I couldn't resist!
Hah! Love the shit pun!!!!!!
HHAHA love that pun.
I agree, they are a little vaginal but not outwardly so. They definitely are beautiful though (which one am I talking about….I'll let you wonder.)
Alex, just tell me it's not the one from Chiang Mai – that one needs a Brazilian…
Try googling the photographer of Robert Mapplethorpe and flowers and you'll know for sure that orchids are sexual?
Isn't that the whole point of "the birds and the bees" thingy? Especially in Brazil.
Hi Apricoco, I see what you mean about Mr Mapplethorpe – not only does he have an excellent surname, but he has a way with flowers.
RLM, you're right of course – the whole point of orchids is to be attractive. Interesting that what bees and other insects find attractive, so do we!
Great photos, and interesting gynecological discussion. I'd have to agree that there is something vaginal about these particular species, but did you know that the word orchid comes from the Greek word for testicle? (Some other orchid species have that thing going on bigtime). Either way, I guess that ever since the ancient Athenians us humans have found the whole family of orchids to be sexual.
Hi James, nice to have you drop by! I was not aware of this testicle connection – so it's official: orchids are ambi-sexy!