mc beyonce funk carioca

The challenging sound of Funk Carioca

I can’t speak for the whole of Rio, but if you live in or around my neighbourhood, you can’t have missed a distinctive new sound during the last month or two. The sound I’m talking about is a Funk Carioca (AKA Baile Funk) track called Fala Mal De Mim. I guess the literal translation would be “Speak badly of me”, but probably a better translation would be “Talk sh*t about me”. The artist responsible for this is MC Beyonce.



This is MC Beyonce. She’s seems very nice, just don’t talk sh*t about her hair or make up. And definitely don’t attempt to steal her boyfriend…


Wanna hear the track? OK, here it is:


The lyrics talk about some other girl who is badmouthing MC Beyonce – criticising her hair and make-up. This other girl can’t get a boyfriend so is trying to steal Beyonce’s. She goes on to say that if the girl doesn’t stop this childish behaviour then the she’s going to get a beating. 


So what do you think? That background “Cha! Cha-Cha — Cha!” sample is very common in funk music – I often hear it on the beach or when people play it on their phones on the bus (annoying!). I have to lay my cards on the table, I find this track repetitive and quite irritating. My main problem is that it completely lacks a baseline. It seems ironic that this style of music is called funk when, to my ears, it’s completely unfunky!

But music is a strange and subjective thing isn’t it? Through repeat listening I’ve grown to love music that I hated on the first listen. Some people think this is just noise, others would say the same about this (I happen to like both).

But, despite some effort, Funk has eluded me so far. I wrote about it in a post almost a year ago and back then I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. I think I can now say with more certainty that it isn’t for me. I’ve noticed that when the subject of Funk is raised, you often hear rather nasty remarks from some people who appear to hate not just the music, but also the people who like it.

What do you think of Baile Funk? Would you listen to this at a party?


20 replies
  1. Orlando
    Orlando says:

    I’ve been heard this song on the streets constantly, but I never got undestood what the letter really said (and I am brazilian, from SP). Finally, who would say, I know better this sound here on this blog … Well, I found this song horrible since the first time I heard.

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Hey, Orlando. I agree, to my ears it is not a nice sound. I think she actually has quite a good voice, but this song is too monotonous and repetitive right?

  2. Phil
    Phil says:

    I’m definitely with you on this one. I actually like some music that is very repetitive (and to some, annoying), including songs by Michel Teló and Gusttavo Lima (don’t judge). But I have to like the voice, and in this case, I just don’t. In fact, I think it is grating. Her voice is basically all you hear, so if you don’t like it, you’re out of luck. I’d rather listen to Mallu Magalhães, Marisa Monte, Vanessa da Mata, Tiê, or if I’m in a retro mood, Elis Regina, or even Carmen Miranda :)

  3. Raf Kiss
    Raf Kiss says:

    I must say have never liked the Brazilian funk. When I first heard it I asked my wife what the hell this had to do with funk, because “funk” for me is James Brown. Also, I have the impression that most funkeiras, like this DJ Beonce, rely more on their looks than how good they sing. The lyrics in most funk songs are just there so there would be something more than the terribly annoying uhm – Cha – Cha – uhm – Cha – Cha…
    On the other hand, it is the way the people of the favelas express themselves and as long as they don’t promote raping women or killing policemen, I can live with it. I do reserve the right tough to change the channel when it comes on the radio. Like Roger Murthaugh in “Lethal weapon” used to say: I’m too old for this shit :)

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Raf, you and me both :D I suspect that I just don’t get it and possibly I would need to have grown up in amongst this scene from an early age to have any chance.

  4. Eva
    Eva says:

    Huh, that’s what that song is about. It is EVERYWHERE and that woman’s voice is really very grating. I kind of like the video though, ha. I wonder what American Beyonce would have to say about the whole thing (she stole her hair, too!)
    In case you might have missed this gem:

  5. Tracy
    Tracy says:

    I actually really like some baile funk, but the “song” you posted and more so the one Eva posted are downright awful. Is it a thing to sing off-key and hollow for female vocalists? :S

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Hi Tracy – I know what you mean about the singing off-key thing. It’s weird because MC Beyonce hasn’t got a bad voice, but that song does nothing for it I think. Do you have any funk recommendations to help me get into this genre? :)

  6. Richard
    Richard says:

    Sadly funk has evolved (as does all music). My brother back in London is a ‘global music’ DJ and got into baile funk about 5 years ago, it was fairly decent then i thought. What is has morphed into now is just plain bad. I came out of a concert at Citibank hall once and could hear the funk from Terra encantadas across the way, hideous just about covers it. Still each to their own, i was at a CCR gig, massive difference. I am sure there are kids that would cringe at the music i was enjoying.

    • tomlemes
      tomlemes says:

      Hey Richard – good point. I know quite a lot of European and US DJs get into Baile Funk a few years back and I can believe that the music has changed a lot since then. I can’t believe that people coming from that kind of dance music background could be into the music that Baile Funk seems to have become nowadays. To my ears it is just plain terrible, but at best you could describe it as impenetrable.

      By CCR you mean Creedance? Now we’re talking! :D

      • Richard
        Richard says:

        It was creedence yes, they played the citibank hall here in Barra last year. I really miss access to bands I love playing live. I have already accepted that despite vowing never to go to rock in rio again, i will go again this year. Maybe even twice hahaha

        • tomlemes
          tomlemes says:

          Man, I know what you’re saying! I lived in London for 10 years so was totally spoilt there. I really didn’t like Rock in Rio last time around – it just didn’t have the atmosphere that I associate with festivals.


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